Questionnaire —
Feb 17, 2021
Tell your Requirement
- Why does our brand exist?
- Which Domain or Vertical we are focusing?
- What future the brands want to create?
- Have we analyzed that future?
- How we create value to user?
- Brief about the process of the company product deliver?
- Who are the competitors?
- Any specific Age group?
- Devices to be used?
- Goals / Frustrations / Motivations
- SEO, SEM, social media, content marketing, paid acquisition campaigns, PR, email marketing
- Analyze your target users, set a goal for the campaign, and add viral elements.
- Relevance. Tell a story. What is happening now?
- Cause. Contribute to a cause.
- Popular issue. Geek out on a popular or niche topic.
- Competition. Host a competition.
- Stats, stats, stats. Infographics, shareable data, etc.
- Content
- Partnerships
- Targeting someone or something
- Creativity and innovation
- Related fields. Branch out into something related.