Persona Study UX vs Visual Designer
As of today fast trending age where the relevant roles and responsibilities are very important to know for the hiring managers as well as for the candidate both...
to meet their goals and objective...
How you define the candidature role is relevant to the company’s requirement?
Candidate should not just jump to any conclusion or be misguided as this role has a lot more than just practices or knowing certain principles or methodology.
How we identify the Persona?
More than the education knowledge analysing the behaviour of the candidates is very important.
Is the persona of the candidate introvert or Extroverts? Does that make a difference?
YES !! Reason being both have their own behaviours and not a trend which changes at a faster pace.
Introverts (or those of us with introverted tendencies) tend to recharge by spending time alone. They lose energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds.
Persona behaviours: Quiet, reserved, Shy, Silent, Passive, Reliable,
If this persona goes to UX need to change his or her persona and practice going social as their communication has to be strong this is just one aspect.
Extroverts, on the other hand, gain energy from other people. Extroverts actually find their energy is sapped when they spend too much time alone. They recharge by being social.
Persona behaviours: Talkative, Sociable, Outgoing, Lively, Optimist, Touchy, Active.
If this persona goes to Visual design need to change his or her persona and practice going be creative who should have a good visual eye having creative thinking.
This is a rare combination...with a different different perspective.
What we see depends not only on what we look at but also on where we look. I’ve learned that two individuals can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. hashtag#People can have similar experiences but arrive at two totally different perspectives. The same holds true for how we see each other and ourselves, especially right now as we battle the hashtag#coronavirus The illusion that others are better, smarter or stronger than you are born out of the false perceptions that you’re here on this planet to be like someone else. You are NOT. hashtag#Perception is reality, but everyone creates their own. So if we are to change our perception, then we must change our reality. This is something we all can do but it often takes others to support us in the process. To effectively come together we must realize that we’re all different in the ways we perceive each other and the world, and use this as a reminder to guide us in how we treat each other. One thing I am certain of is that the best hashtag#ideas emerge when very different perspectives meet. Stay safe. Stay informed. Stay connected. Leave your mark on this world,