How Long your Inspirations and Motivations Works?
HOW inspirations works and people gets motivated..and Who gets Benefited the most?
People listens to what they want to LISTEN!!
How long the inspirations exists..Do you carry it or someone else
Till the time you meet with the Other inspiration :)
Few people stick to one thing called as specialized people they don’t know and don’t want to know anything apart from that subject and few grows with different things what ever comes their way they adopt to which is called Vertical and Horizontal Growth.
What does today's Trends teach us to come out of our Comfort Zone? Yes but does that Zone has any directions?
Does coming out of comfort Zone means to be a Subject matter expert and do a continuous learning in that subject or change that subject with other Subject ?
Comfort Zone is a Mind Set !!
A persona of a Introvert person an Illustrator who comes from fine arts background assumes that he can give best output in his specialized areas and he is in other words is in a comfort zone where he gives his best )
Which direction can he go .. to a Product manager Skill or a Public Speaker to grow his career?