Brain designed?
Knowing our brain–can help us manage a vast range of experiences in choosing our career.
Our brain is always a mystery for me.
This article is on few aspects I could gather…
for which my brains always bother me.. with a lot of questions which I try to gather and like to share with likeminded people similar to me.
How a designers brain is designed?

The left side of the brain is responsible for controlling the right side of the body. It also performs tasks that have to do with logic, such as in science and mathematics.
On the other hand, the right hemisphere coordinates the left side of the body and performs tasks that have to do with creativity and the arts
The left and Right theory which matches with introverts and extroverts humans...
For introverts brain, stimuli run through a long, complicated pathway in areas of the brain associated with remembering, planning, and solving problems.
For extroverts brain, the pathway is much shorter. It runs through an area where taste, touch, and visual and auditory sensory processing takes place.
A Combination of both sides of the brain makes us an expert in both UX/UI.
The left side is more into sequencing, Thinking in words, mathematics, facts, logic,
The Right side is feelings visualization, imagination, intuitions, rhythm, holistic thinking, Arts